Tuesday, September 9, 2008


So, once again, I have neglected blogging - but this time I have an excuse!  I'm officially an old person now, and old people forget things like where they put their keys or kids or when they last blogged.  Truth be told, I don't feel terribly old, but according to my students, married = old, and I am indeed married now, so I must be old.

Now, since I'm old, I think it's time for me to try something new - like a midlife crisis, if you will.  So I've decided to try a program called C25k(http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml).  It's a training program that's meant to take old farts like me off the couch and get them running a 5K in two months.  I've never considered myself a runner by any means.  Really, I've always thought runners were a little nuts.  But I've always envied their get-up-and-go-ness, and I'd like a bit of it for myself (plus, I'm tired of getting beat to the ball in soccer).  Something else I found, that I think will be helpful is some music that was recorded to help people on the C25K plan time themselves without looking at a watch (http://www.djsteveboy.com/intervals.html), since looking at a watch totally psychs me into thinking time has stopped.

Anyhow, I'm starting this plan next Tuesday (9/16).  Would anyone like to do it with me?

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